
Stuff for Media and Film Students.


Refer to Todorov, Propp, Levi-Strauss, Barthes. Here are some presentations that go through basic narrative theory and theorists:

Narrative 1


Narrative Theory OCR A2 G325 by MrSmithLC

Narrative 2

Narrative theory notes by Julie Thrasher

Narrative 3

Narrative 4

Narrative 5

Narrative 2010 by MEDIA AT CHFS

The following terms are useful:

multi-strand narrative: telling a story from more than one person’s point of view. or two stories of two different people that intertwine

restricted narrative: narrative from only one character in the story. Audience has limited access to narrative events as only sees them as this character does. The opposite of this is a non-restricted narrative.

linear narrative: where the story is told chronologically with a beginning, middle and end. The oppoisite of this is a non-linear narrative.

Questions to consider on Narrative in your own production work.

What is the narrative structure of the product?

Does the text follow a linear narrative?

Does the text adhere to or subvert narrative conventions?

How does the narrative support the establishment of genre?

How have narrative techniques been used to appeal to the audience?

Does the trailer have a clear narrative (in other words, are the audience able to understand what is happening)

Is there a narrative thread?

Is there any suggestion of resolution in the text or, instead, do we have elements of the beginning/middle of the film, but not its end?

How does the narrative of the text mirror or follow the film’s narrative?

How did you make use of narrative theory in designing your text? OR How can your text be interpreted using narrative theory? Propp / Todorov/ Levi-Strauss etc

What response from the audience was I anticipating and what has the actual response been. In other words, what did I hope my audience would understandand what did they in fact understand.

Here’s a slightly more detailed list of the sort of questions you can ask yourself about your own narrative.

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